The overall purpose Ministries at Court Street Baptist Church is to build up the body of Christ as stated in the Church’s Three “E” Dimensional Vision:
Exalting the Savior
Evangelizing the Sinner
Equipping the Saints.
Evangelizing the Sinner
Equipping the Saints.
To this end, each ministry has a specific goal to meet the varied needs of church members and the community at large. Ministries provide opportunities for parishioners to use their spiritual gifts/talents or passions to reach out and help someone in need as they manifest God’s message of love. All members of God’s church are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in words and in service.
- “Encourage the disheartened, help the weak” ( 1Thes.5:14)
- “Serve one another humbly in love” ( Galatians 5:13)
- “Do good to all people, especially believers” ( Galatians 6:10)
- “Carry each other’s burdens” ( Galatians 6:2)